What's going on in our world is a lot to take in. As a white woman, the fact that I don't talk much about being anti-racist shows my privilege and the ease with which I walk through the world because of the color of my skin.
This week (and all weeks going forward) I'm changing the way I've done things. Not only to talk more about race with you and this community, but also with my family and friends.
Talking, protesting, and reflecting on white privilege and the systems that benefit myself and all white people is important. And so is using my platform and money to redistribute some of the wealth.
I have the privilege of running this business, and I haven't struggled much to get here. When COVID swept across the nation I got a PPP loan, a loan that we know wasn't given to black businesses.
Spending our money with black businesses, donating, posting on social media, and having hard conversations feel far from enough, but they are things we can all do.
Below is a list of BIPOC businesses and organizations to consider supporting/donating to and/or to self-educate on what they do for our communities:
As we move forward together I am committed to doing what I can to be a part of the solution and the dismantling of this society structure as we know it. I will be sharing more businesses, resources, and other information that will benefit and support our BIPOC communities.
If there's anything I can do for you personally, please reach out by clicking here.
Big love,